Crossword Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzles

Memory Match Games

Wordsearch Puzzles

How to Play


How well do you know the characters in your favorite story book? Answer the clues to solve the puzzle.


Drag and drop the pieces and watch the picture emerge.

Memory Match

Click on the squares to reveal the pictures below. See how fast you can match up the pairs. 


Click on the first and last letters of words you see in each word find puzzle.

Note to Parents

The games and puzzles here in the Kid Zone are designed to build memory recall, reinforce vocabulary, and enhance observation skills. Different levels of difficulty make the games fun for children of all ages – and parents, too.

Give ’em a Break

When your child needs a break from the screen, let the fun continue with a hardcopy activity book. There is no replacement for good old-fashioned hands-on play!